Down the Hole!
Down the Hole is the story of Dave, who just got out of the movie in a bad mood after seeing a shitty movie. All he wants to do is to go home. But damnit, his keys fall into the sewers! Not wanting to call for help, he just goes down the sewers by himself to look for them. But he gets dragged into a quest he really doesn’t want to accomplish, but he doesn’t really have much choice. Or does he? It’s the player’s choice!
This game was developed for the GlobalGameJam 2021, from the Graz Site (Austria).
The jam was
hosted from the 27th to the 31st of January 2021.
The theme was Lost and Found.
I was Narrative and Level Designer on the project. I wrote all the dialogues and implemented them into the game with the custom-made dialogue system developed by one of our developer. I also created all the levels thanks to some free-to-use assets from the Unity store that I modified to personalized them, as well as created some by myself.
The game is a 2D platformer. You can find a PDF with the Dialogue Script, a link to the page and a gameplay video below!
Programmer and artist: Christina Charlier
Programmer: Erik Reindl
(game only playable on the browser, using a mouse & keyboard)