Recycle Or Else!

Uh-oh! Humanity messed up BIG TIME! In Recycle Or Else! you play as a faithful human recycle worker and must sort the trash correctly.
Will your efforts be enough to save the planet?

The game was developed for the IGA Impact Jam 2022.
The jam was hosted from the 11th to the 13th of February 2022, on
The main theme was Positive Impact and the secondary theme was Neon.
Our overall ranking was 4th out of 17.

The game was made with Unity. I created the convoyer belts (graphics and programmation), as well as the (very flashy) menu (the lights in the backgrounds behind the city slowly blink different colors), the win and lose screens and I was in charge of finding the music, SFX and models we didn't make ourselves (like the trash truck).

Programmer and 3D artist: Christina Charlier
Programmer: Erik Reindl

(game only playable on browser, using a keyboard)